Friday, November 30, 2007

Bursa May Sneeze

After a big dollop of Sime cream this morning, will Bursa sneeze most of it out? Big question. The re-listing of the RM50 billion behemoth pushed the CI beyond 1400 points in one grand wallop! After the initial euphoria it slided to end the morning at 1398.45, up 24.13 points.

An oasis in the bleak sands of doom, Sime was the rare camel leading a few caravans of hope. Most are in deep shit. Gainers were a mere 189 compared to 518 losers. Volume was really low while value was humungous at RM1.248 billion signifying solo trading in Sime.

Top gainers apart from Sime were Digi putting on RM1.35 sen, KNM rising 60 sen and Tenaga
powering up 25 sen. Going down were IOIProp losing 90 sen; Zelan going south with a 50 sen loss;PPB dropping 35 sen and Tanjong sliding 30 sen.

The portfolio was less than fair. Genting dropped 10 sen to RM8.05, BJ Sports Toto eased 4 sen to RM4.96; KHSB losing 2 sen to 88 sen and RCE slipping 1.5 sen to 85 sen. Resorts was better 2 sen at RM3.78 and Welli was 0.5 sen better at 56 sen. Metronic was asleep at its overnight level of 16 sen.

I expect the CI to finish with about a 10 points gain after the afternoon session.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Teenage Mutant Ninja Bursa

The posture for Bursa is the same but read the picture in the order Chinese people do;from right to left. The shorty monkey is bursa.

Anyway, with a humongous rise on Wall Street or over 320 points, the CI managed only a miserly rise of 2.3 points to 1368.97. For a change, gainers were ahead of losers 377 to 269. Volume was better at 551 million worth 768 million ringgits.

The gainers were gaming counter Tanjong rising 40 sen;TStore profiting 30 sen;MMCCorp notching up 20 sen and Parkson gaining 15 sen. Losers were unknown Comintl which nose-dived 43 sen;KLK tossed down 40 sen,QSR losing 30 sen while Nestle slumped 25 sen.

The portfolio was fair. BJ Sports Toto added 2 sen to RM4.98;Genting up 5 sen to RM8.05;KHSB upped 1.5 sen to 89 sen and Resorts rose 2 sen to RM3.72. RCE was at its overnight level at 85.5 sen. However, Welli dropped big time. It fell another 8 sen to finished at 57 sen. Metronic glided down 0.5 sen to 16 sen.

Afternoon is not promising.

PS: Bursa ended up almost 10 points in the afternoon because of local fund involvment.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bursa is Drooling Drunk!

A picture like the one above tells a thousand words. Similarly, Bursa is akin to that picture. We are all losing because Bursa is sure to lose its head!

From a better lunch close, the Bursa in drunken stupor, ended up the CI ante by a miserly 1.59 points (1366.58). Losers manhandled gainers 556 to 279. Volume was better at 1.03 billion worth RM1.30 billion. Looks like the market is intact.

Gainers was led by BAT flying high with a 75 sen gain. IOIProp followed with a rise of 30 sen and so did Shell. Nestle chalked up 25 sen. Leading the losers were Etitech dropping a bomb of 70 sen; Comintl skidding a huge 65 sen, MSC unloading 50 sen and OilCorp slipping 42 sen.

The portfolio was alright. Genting added 5 sen to RM8.05 and BJ Sports Toto notched up to RM4.96 with a 6 sen gain. Losing big time were Welli, dropping off 6.5 sen to 65 sen on unfavourable reports; KHSB
slipping 5.5 sen to 87.5 sen, RCE descending 1.5 sen to 85.5 sen, Resorts losing 2 sen to RM3.70 and Metronic dropping 0.5 sen to 16.5 sen.

The current macro climate for equities is not encouraging. If Dow is down tonight due to sub-prime woes or the state of the American economy or even performed marginally, the bias is for Bursa to go south.


Bursa's Weak;Going Nowhere

The CI was okay this morning, gaining 4.18 points to 1369.17. Gainers and losers about even out. More market breadth as well with a volume of 480 million shares worth RM 588 million. Gainers were big boys BAT with a perk up of 50 sen; MISC and Nestle moving up 25 sen and KLK gliding up 20 sen. Losers were TaAnn and Digi, both losing 20 sen and Kulim losing 15 sen. Tanjong slided 10 sen.

The portfolio was even. BJ Sports Toto upped 4 sen to RM4.94 and gaming brother; Genting glided 10 sen t0 RM8.10. Resorts was unchanged at RM3.72 and RCE sat still as well at 87 sen.KHSB and Metronic meanwhile, dropped a sen each to 92 sen and 16 sen. Welli dropped from the sky, losing 8 sen to 63.5. I think Welli is a no-hoper! So no bonus for you, Welli-You may even be taken off the portfolio soon if you misbehave like this morning!

Afternoon may just be another lethargic session.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Minuscule Movement

After a day of losses, Bursa breathe easy adding 0.62 points to the CI at 1364.99. Losers swamped gainers 526 to 252. Volume shrunk to 697 million worth RM1.08 billion.Not good. Leading the gainers were IOIProp topping up 50 sen, BHIC adding 30 sen, Nestle moving up 25 sen and Genting zooming up 20 sen to RM8.00 for a long-long time. Digi took a tumble and lost 60 sen. BAT slided 50 sen, LCL went down 25 sen while Proton skidded off 16 sen.

Portfolio was brighter with a great Genting. Resorts fell 8 sen to RM3.72 while BJ Sports Toto when south of the border too losing 6 sen to RM4.90
.KHSB also downed 1.5 sen to 93 sen. RCE, meanwhile upped a sen to 87 sen while Welli did the same moving up to 71.5 sen. Metronic gelled at 17 sen, its overnight level.

If Dow rebounds a bit tonight, Bursa may move up a little tomorrow before going sideways.

Since Bursa still can tahan and move the CI positive, let us cheer Bursa with a Heineken!


Bad Egg Bursa

Flaccid and flagging-that is the posture of Bursa this morning. The CI went down 5.19 points to 1359.18. Losers pounded gainers 568 to 137 and volume is low at a miserable 356 million worth a miserly RM 474 million. CCMDBio upped 28 sen and Nestle climbed 25 sen. Meanwhile IOIProp elevated itself by 20 sen and Genting bet better to add 15 sen to RM7.95. Among losers were Digi dropping 70 sen,BAT down 25 sen while LPI and CBIP both declined 20 sen each.

The portfolio was mixed to easier.
Genting did well. Welli and RCE added 0.5 each 71 sen and 86.5 sen. KHSB, meanwhile, slided 1.5 sen to 92 sen. Metronic slided 0.5 sen to 16 sen. BJ Sports Toto also surrendered 6 sen to RM4.90. Resorts slided 6 sen to RM3.74

Do not expect much changes in the afternoon.


Monday, November 26, 2007

It's a Blast!

Bursa staged a double digit gain of 10.82 points to push the CI to 1364.37. With a good Friday Dow, a proverbial grenade exploded sending gainers to overtake losers on this rare occasion;457 to 327. Volume was 860 million shares valued at RM1.12 billion. A wee smaller volume. Value remains fair.

Among gainers, Digi rebound RM1.00, BAT flew 75 sen;CBIP tacked on 55 sen while Parkson leap 50 sen. Losers were led by troubled automotive manufacturer Proton which lost 22 sen to RM3.82, SAAG and KFC which went down 15 sen and UBB which slided 14.5 sen.

Resorts was the portfolio star adding 18 sen to RM3.80;Genting added 5 sen to RMN7.80;BJ Sports Toto upped 4 sen to RM4.96 while RCE added a sen to 86 sen. Welli dropped 1.5 sen to 70.5 while KHSB lost 0.5 sen to 94.5 sen. Metronic was galvanized at its overnight price at 17 sen. Fair performance.

The Dow tonight will determine whether the CI can go further tomorrow or whether it will retreat like Napolean from Russia.


Like Clinton, do we forgive Bursar?

Well, it did happen, Bursa move up 7.24 points today to 1360.79. Sadly volume and value fell to 431 million and RM476 million respectively. No good! There were 431 gainers with 476 losers.

Digi recovered to gain 60 sen;Parkson profited 45 sen;Tanjong betted better with a 30 sen gain and Nestle foamed up 25 sen. Falling were Kassets down 41 sen;SAAG dropping 20 sen and UMW backslided 20 sen. Automotive producer Proton screwed up 14 sen and continues to go south. Where is the bottom for Proton?

The portfolio is better with Resorts climbing 18 sen to RM3.80. Is something brewing there when Genting gave a special dividend and it did not? Big brother Genting ended better 15 sen to RM7.90 while gaming ally,BJ Sports Toto was also better by 4 sen at RM4.96. RCE was 1 sen better at 86 sen while KHSB was unchanged at 95 sen. Metronic and Welli slided by 0.5 sen and 1.5 sen to 16.5 sen and 70.5 sen.

Bursa has been delinquint like Clinton? The Americans have sort of relegated Clinton to the background but he may just pop back if Hilary comes into the White House. Meanwhile, can we also forgive Bursa for the worse performance last week since August?

Yes, but with a warning to buck up!


Friday, November 23, 2007

Bursa -You are the One!

Yes, so much truth in the message from the slogan above. When all markets go down, you follow. When they go up, you go down. Yes, Bursa you are definitely the queer one.

Today, without the Dow compass, Bursa plodded on but ended positive with 6.76 points upping the CI to 1350.92. Worrying is the volume of shares which has dramatically halved itself to only 668 million. The value of the shares was RM1.04 billion;also on the slide! Gainers rebounded to 433 against 344 losers. The breadth has indeed shrunk! I believe a big part is treasury buy-backs! Danger signs are flashing, my friends!

Among gainers, UMNO's Magna took the spotlight pushing ahead with a 56 sen gain. Genting
came next with a 25 sen top-up because of its super memorial third quarter 2007 dividend for the late founder. LPI was up 20 sen while SPSetia added 15 sen. Losing were Digi again gravitating some 50 sen; Nestle descending 25 sen;Shell sliding 20 sen and Maybulk off-loading 20 sen as well.

The portfolio was okay. Genting shone like a lodestar upping 25 sen; while BJ Sports Toto rose 10 sen to RM4.92 but compadre Resorts added a mere 2 sen to RM3.62. Sitting at the overnight levels were Welli at 72 sen; KHSB at 95 sen;Metronic at 17 sen and RCE at 85 sen.

Dow future was up today and may have some effect tonight on Wall Street.


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sad, Sad Day

And the CI went bonkers and dropped another double-digit C4 bomb. It fall 16.21 points to 1344.16. Volume as expected shrunk to below a billion at 931 million. Value was fair at RM1.56 billion. Losers pounded gainers 692 to 176.

Among gainers, Magna went up by 16 sen;NPC rose 13 sen;Iretex edged up 12.5 sen while Dutch Lady (not the sweet Jessica Simpson up there) gracefully ascended 10 sen. Losers were Digi ringing its own misfortune by falling 50 sen; WCT down 45 sen,
Asiatic dropping 40 sen and Tanjong offloading 30 sen.

The portfolio was disgraced by Genting which slumped 15 sen to RM7.50. A dog of a price! Resorts went down 4 sen to RM3.60;BJ Sports Toto slided 4 sen to RM4.82 while RCE dropped 2 sen to 85 sen. KHSB and Metronic were unchanged at 95 sen and 17 sen. Welli was a surprise- going against the grain-up 0.5 sen to close at 72 sen.

Tomorrow looks gloomy.


An Uncertain Wait

It is countdown to the New Year 2008 for many. The RM40 per transaction measure will start then. How will the investors react. Will they be buying penny stocks in quantum? Neh! Never! So the pennies are going back to heaven. Like the one sen coins are going back to BNM.

Those who made money have left Bursar. Those who are caught or are still positioning themselves are in for a long wait. Uncertain and fraught with bear-traps at every turn.

The good times will be a long time coming. You may just make money sitting on some hot situationals. The blue chips is overpriced and can fell like Humpty Dumpty at any time. Such is the scenario-bleak and bleary.

With Dow coming down by more than 211 points, Bursa followed suit. As lunch close came, Singapore, Tokyo and Hong Kong were steaming green but ........... Yes, Bursa continued to wallow in maroon mud! The CI fell 15.16 points to 1344.69. Losers knocked down losers 611 to 149. Volume was sliding,this time to 477 million worth 705 million ringgits. The way I look at it, it is again blue chip selling. Low volume but higher value in terms of numbers. Not promising. The trading of Proton to push it up to a mere 8 sen is surely the dastardly work of Khazanah,EPF,Pension Funds, Amanah Raya and SOCSO. Cheap skates!

Gainers were UMNO-linked Magna up 20 sen;Proton elevated by 8 sen;LifeCorp rising 7 sen and Loh and Loh gaining 6 sen. The losers were again led by Digi losing another 50 sen;KLK tumbled 30 sen;and
PPB and IOICorp both slipping 25 sen.

Portfolio was fair. BJ Sports Toto added 2 sen to RM4.88 while KHSB added 1.5 sen to 96.5 sen. Welli improved 1 sen to 72.5 sen. Looks like the support is somewhere around 70 sen for Welli. Genting freefall 10 sen to RM7.55 while Resorts dropped 2 sen to RM3.62. Metronic came unglued and lost 0.5 sen to 16.5 sen. RCE meanwhile dropped 2.5 sen to 84.5 sen.

Will the afternoon hold? If the Asian markets can provide a clue, Bursa should be better in the afternoon session.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Lonely Walk

Bursa Saham KL is heading for the dumps. It will be a sad, long, lonely walk. Bargain hunters and weak sellers are making their presence felt using attrition to floor prices of most shares. I guess the market must be overpriced for them to let go that easily. Anyway, no pain, no gain.

Bursa went down 11.85 points putting the CI at 1359.85. Losers whacked gainers 711 to 164. Volume of shares was a billion worth RM1.6 billion. Still good. For the gainers, KNM upped 25 sen, possibly because of the surging oil price. Perstima got up from its sleep to post 22 sen. Hap Seng went up 21 sen and Magnum rose 20 sen. Leading the losers was state-owned Proton, falling 92 sen;followed by Digi losing 60 sen. IOIProp gave in, falling 50 sen while Bursa registered a decrease of 30 sen.

The portfolio was a disaster with Genting losing some 20 sen to RM7.65 followed by
BJ Sports Toto losing 12 sen to RM4.86. Resorts fell 6 sen to RM3.64 while KHSB slipped 4 sen to 95 sen. Meanwhile, RCE fell 2.5 sen to 87 sen and Welli slumped further by another 2 sen to 71.5 sen. Looks like support price is 70 sen. Boring Metronic was unchanged at 17 sen.

The Dow future performed badly losing 110 points. This will not augur well for the Dow tonight, especially when oil prices touched a new high of US$ 99 per barrel on intra day trading on the Nymex. With Wall Street close for Thanksgiving tomorrow night, Bursa will be directionless on Friday.

May be good for Bursa.


See My Butt! It's Bear Season!

And so it came to pass. Dow went down and Bursa went down. There is logic here. Now Dow is up but Bursa goes down. No logic here.

There is just no more sciences in stock trading no more. Forget the charting theories; FA or TA. Bursa is an enigma; best avoided during the current spell. The bear is fast approaching, butt first as you can see from the picture above. So watch out or you will become mince-meat!

At the noon close, CI toppled another 6.9 points, flat on its face at 13634.69. Losers squeezed the balls off gainers 581 to 143. Volume is not okay at 482 million shares worth RM731 million. It means blue-chips are being thrown into the gutter. Likely investors are feeding
Proton shares to the lions in the arena! Also, there is little play on pennies and second liners. That means the market is dry-few day-traders and speculators. The only punters are brokers, dealers and remisiers! Oh! it is one big crying shame.

Gainers were
Magnum, leaving Bursaland for private hands through MPH and a third party. It rose 22 sen. Hap Seng climbed 21 sen while HSPlant and Batu Kawan each rose 10 sen. Falling big time was automotive manufacturer, Proton losing 58 sen;IOIProp, falling 40 sen while Digi and Bursa slided 30 sen each.

The portfolio has back slided as well.
Genting and compadre, BJ Sports Toto both lost 10 sen to RM7.75 and RM4.88 respectively. Resorts lost all its gains; falling 6 sen to RM3.64 while KHSB slided 2.5 sen to 96.5 sen. Metronic was in the wax museum at 17 sen. Welli continued the big, long slide, losing another 2.5 sen to 71 sen. RCE lost a sen to 88.5 sen.

A day of woe, hammer blows and stock lynching. I think the market is approaching
a comatose status. The bears are seen in the near-by jungles of Mount Kiara. Time to feed the bears with your blood,sweat and tears money!


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Not Out of the Woods..............

After a dog-day of slow, plodding trading, CI finally lost only 8.21 points to 1371.70;having halved its earlier losses. Losers strangled gainers 520 to 286. Volume was okay at 1.22 million valued at RM1.63 billion. Still positive;better than yesterday.

Looking at the gainers, we see The Store still sticking to its gains of 22 sen all day long. BHIC and WCT added 20 sen each while EONCap notched up 15 sen. Digi fell big time on the announcement by the Communication Minister that action could be taken on those trading 3G licence. It lost RM1.20. IOIProp slided 50 sen while dropped 50 sen as well.KLK Bursa slipped 40 sen. I expect Digi to free-fall again tomorrow.

The portfolio got back some life. BJ Sports Toto added 10 sen to RM4.98 while gaming compadre, Genting recovered 5 sen to RM7.85. Resorts World added 4 sen to RM3.70 while KHSB notched up a sen to 99 sen. Welli fell 2.5 sen while RCE was down 0.5 sen to 89.5 sen. Meanwhile, Metronic turned into wax work and remained in suspended animation at 17 sen.

What worries me is that Welli is not bottoming up. It is stuck and sinking further into the abyss. It may be a bit late to cut loss but if you think that this will be the trend until the AGM in December, then it may be better to cut loss and stay at the sidelines until they have cleared the accounts receivable issue. If 80% of the accounts receivable are taken out and are not included in the audited report;then Welli may touch a new bottom. Fear is the key for your action here, especially as Welli is a second boarder!

The Dow is up 57 points in early trading but I doubt it is sustainable. If it ends in positive territory,it may well be a bear trap on Thursday as those investors on Wall Street can be real data freaks and will shiver at mere shadows. They are that fickled and may sell down their stocks to the Mississippi delta.

The best advice to readers-if you can, slowly extricate your self from Bursa.


Bursa's Life-style!

The above picture describes Bursa and the investors who got robbed punting or to put it in a very polite manner, invested on Bursa's stocks. It is input begets a little output and then you kaput and get grilled till kingdom come! There is no gaining on Bursa after August 2007 when sub-prime, the carrying trade and now the Chinese bubbles claimed multitudes of burnt investors heading for the financial ICUs.

The world market just needed a flimsy excuse to plummet and that they did but not quite. The indices are holding up thanks to fund managers spread over the globe. The sheep are the small investors;losing their seed capital big-time.

Today CI plummeted 19.15 points to 1360.76. Another 30 points and we will all be tanked. The only reassuring feature is the volume of shares move up a little bit at some 521 million shares valued at 657 million ringgits. Gainers were squeezed by losers 770 to 70.

Among gainers were The Store, pushing up 22 sen;MNRD bouncing up 15 sen and WCT and VADS crawling up 5 sen each. What a dog performance! The losers saw
Digi collapsing, losing RM1.10;while Bursa, IOIProp and BAT all slided by 50 sen. Commerce lost 30 sen.

The portfolio has been mummified. Genting dropped 10 sen to RM7.70;Welli and Resort gave up 4 sen each to 72 sen and RM3.62 sen respectively;KHSB fell 3 sen to 95 sen while RCE and BJ Sports Toto lost 2 sen each to 88 sen and RM4.86. Metronic was at its overnight level of 17 sen.

If the afternoon session is similar in performance, woe betide the investors on Bursa. Look at the chicken and you will know your ultimate fate!


And the Walls come tumbling down...............

The fantastic Dow screwed world markets again. Downgrades and write-offs-that will be the order of the day until next year. So keep off the Bursa if you are not caught in it. Keep clear and enjoy your life instead of worrying all the time about your shrinking investments.

Today, Bursa was a real turkey losing 17 points. While donkeys are selling off their stocks at huge losses, the die-hards are holding fast to their positions, praying hard for God to be with them. They are hoping that they are not the greater fools!

A global debacle led by Wall Street. What a shame!


Monday, November 19, 2007

On the Disaster Trail...........

Bursa is dying. Volume has shrunk today for the first time in many months.The CI has been declining patently falling another 6.73 points to 1379.91. Losers trounced gainers 568 to 257. Volume has declined by at least 500 million shares worth RM1.28 billion. This only means less speculative stocks are being traded.

The gainers continued to be the same favourites like Digi up 75 sen;IOIProp up another 60 sen;Parkson gaining 25 sen and Maybank topping up 20 sen. Losers were Tanjong and Petgas; down 50 sen each. MMCCorp down 45 sen and Kulim losing 25 sen.

The portfolio is pathetic. Only KHSB managed to gain a sen to 98 sen. All the rest registered loses from 0.5 sen to 5 sen. Genting lost 5 sen to RM7.80; Welli took another hit losing 3.5 sen to 76 sen while BJ Sports Toto and Resorts lost 2 sen to RM4.88 and RM3.66 sen. Metronic and RCE lost 0.5 sen to 17 sen and 90 sen.

Stop-loss action will have to be undertaken soon as well as share swaps for those who have been following my postings.

Hope Dow is positive tonight.


Friday, November 16, 2007

Hopeless Week at Bursa

CI tumbled another 3.36 points to bring it lower to 1386.64. Losers booted gainers 534 to 291. Volume diminished to 1.01 billion worth RM1.81 billion. Possibly more buying of blue chips by bargain hunters. Digi continued to attract buying interest climbing 85 sen; Newly-listed HSPlant,added 42 sen while Kramat gained 40 sen. Petgas moved up 30 sen. SOP lost 40 sen and Petdag slided 25 sen. The Store lost 24 sen and HSL declined 20 sen.

The portfolio lies in semi comatose. Genting dropped 10 sen to RM7.85, BJ Sports Toto gave up 10 sen as well to RM4.90. Resorts declined 4 sen to RM3.68;
while Welli stooped lower, losing 1.5 sen to 79.5 sen. RCE stumbled and fell 0.5 sen to 90.5 sen. KHSB slided 2.5 sen to 97 sen and Metronic closed unchanged at 17.5 sen.

We may yet have hope next week if those on Wall street are less panicky.

Eulogies for Bursa

Eulogies, anyone?

A no-hoper market, Bursa continued to confirm that pariah status.

Went down 9.42 in this morning session. It was a red letter day in reverse for most investors. CI was at 1380.58 and losers kicked butt, hammering gainers 579 to 153. Blue chip dumping possibly by foreign funds. Volume was at 520 million shares worth 886 million ringgits. Share volume shows a small decrease. Not a very promising sign.

Gainers were Digi topping up another 85 sen; KLK adding 30 sen;LCL moving up 20 sen and MPHB gliding upwards 18 sen. Losers were SOP down 40 sen;Petgas losing 30 sen;Tanjong sliding 30 sen and
MISC dropping off 30 sen as well.

The portfolio was thoroughly shattered. Genting was shot down 20 sen to RM7.75. BJ SportsToto declined 8 sen to RM4.92;Resorts dumped 2 sen to RM3.70; Welli submerged again, this time down 1.5 sen to 79.5 sen. Where is its bottom? RCE dopped a sen to 90 sen while KHSB dropped another 3 sen to 96.5 sen. Meanwhile, Metronic stood on its overnight level of 17.5 sen.

Expect more mourning in the afternoon.


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Last Minute Jerk Off

The fund managers are bona fide jerks. They pushed the CI up slightly by pushing up some key component stocks like Genting at the close. And voila! CI goes up 5.42 points to 1383.84. Losers were still ahead of gainers 553 to 255. Volume was at 1.13 billion shares worth some RM1.72 billion. Not too bad.

Gainers were SOP which soared 80 sen; Digi ringing up a gain of 80 sen as well; Nestle foaming up 70 sen and Asiatic topping up 35 sen. Losing were Public Bank, off by 30 sen; Bursa and Boustead each declining 20 sen. The STAR lost 18 sen.

Portfolio perked a bit with Genting gaining a last reprieve buy-in at RM7.95 up 15 sen. Gaming comrade BJ Sports Toto also climbed 6 sen to RM5.00. Staying at their overnight levels were Metronic at 17.5 sen and Resorts at RM3.72. KHSB fell 3.5 sen to 99.5 sen while RCE dropped 2 sen to 91 sen. Elsewhere, Welli fell a sen to 81 sen.

Dow should be better tonight to give Bursa a push tomorrow. Bursa should have a winning smile just like our adorably charming lady up there.


Pennies for your Thoughts

As speculated, Bursa failed miserably to show self-will. Spineless and showing general debility, it managed a miserly 0.77% increase to hardly prop up the CI to 1385.35. Losers skinned gainers alive 494 to 210. Volume was fair at 645 million shares worth almost 800 million ringgits. Fair fight on the books.

Gainers were led by Digi which leaped RM1.10 on the 3G deal with and the Telenor
sell-down to 49% in equity. Nestle showed its prowess by climbing 70 sen and Asiatic firmed 35 sen. Dutch Lady scooped up 20 sen as well. Cepco lost 28 sen while Bursa, SAAG and Commerz, all gave back 20 sen each.

The inert Bursa climate affected the portfolio. Genting managed to reclaim 5 sen to R
M7.85 while Metronic saw action adding 0.5 sen to 18 sen on the back of increased trading volume of 1.08 million shares. Should be seeing more action soon, I hope. BJ Sports Toto moved up 4 sen to RM4.98. Losing quite badly was KHSB, down 3 sen to RM1.00;Resorts down 2 sen to RM3.70 and Welli submerging a sen to 81 sen. All is not well.

Pennies for your thoughts,sweet lady of mine?

Hit and run when you have the opportunity!

Scenario Building for Bursa Today

The big tsunami tides are not coming to our shores. We have unattractive stocks to offer foreign funds. If funds come to Asia, they will go to China.

The Dow is down by 77 points. Expect a side to side movement. Get sea-sick likely and vomit more of your gains.

Bursa has to depend on the smaller tides of the Asian markets to overflow here particularly to Singapore and Hong Kong.

For now, with Mid-autumn Festival and Thanksgiving coming soon, can we get some fulus?

What do you think,Denise? Any ideas?


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bursa Dead Duck

What can we say about bursa except is is a boorish creature incapable of appreciating good things. With Dow at a climactic high of 320 points, it still falter and fell flat on its face. CI only accumulated 1.15 points climbing like a feeble old chap from the homes to 1384.58. Gainers were ahead of losers 471 to 326. Volume was at 1.43 billion shares worth RM1.786 billion. Still okay.

Gainers were Vincent Tan's BJLand after their hotel coup in Vietnam. There's more than meets the eye here. It rose 44 sen. The Store profited by 40 sen while Bursa topped up 40 sen as well. Kulim rose 35 sen on the news of its possible listing on the London bourse. KFC lost favour and flavour,dropping 45 sen,Kramat lost 40 sen while hardly traded Negara also slipped 38 sen. Ann Joo Resources slided 22 sen.

The portfolio continues to show a lacklustre performance. Genting took a hit, falling 15 sen to RM7.80; KHSB slipped 3 sen to RM1.03 while Metronic and Welli both went down 0.5 sen to 17.5 sen and 82 sen each. Resorts was stalemated at its overnight price of RM3.72. Meanwhile BJ Sports Toto upped 8 sen to RM4.94 and RCE Cap moved up 0.5 sen to 93 sen.

Tonight, Dow will likely fell and Bursa will pak turut as well.

Macam ini, no point playing the bursa for the rest of the year!


A Muzzled Bursa

With such a hottie trottie Dow upping some 300 plus points, Bursa was a mere rug rat. It started well and slided into siestaville. At the noon close, CI was barely up, taking in 1.9 points to carry up the CI to 1385.33. Good thing there were more gainers than losers;427 to 279. Volume was better at 770 million shares traded worth 830 million ringgits. I still do not see an excitable trading pattern with breakouts,though.

Up and away was bellwether, Bursa taking in a 50 sen gain;The Store which profited 40 sen,Kulim riding high on their intended listing in London and Asiatic notching up 20 sen. Losing were KFC which ran out of flavour by 50 sen;MTD tolled out a 48 sen loss mad Kramat lost 40 sen. DFZ, as usual succumbed to gravity to lose some 20 sen. Must be a close cousin of Welli.

The portfolio was high and dry as usual. No breakthrough.
Genting,Resorts,RCE were at their overnight levels of RM7.95;RM3.72 and 92.5 sen. Interestingly, Welli emerged a bit from the Mariana Trench depths to add 0.5 sen to 83 sen while BJ Sports Toto tambah sikit,some 4 sen to RM4.90. Metronic, meanwhile lost 0.5 sen to 17.5 sen.

Market is not encouraging. Just as muted as the lady friend with the mouth-safety belt.

Ahoy, there! Can't hear you! Better in the afternoon? Hope so.


Weak Ending

This blog posting is just to record yesterday's trading(13 November 2007).

CI went up 1.08 points to 1383.43. There were 420 gainers and 388 losers. Volume of shares traded was still good at 1.18 billion with a value of RM1.66 billion. Gainers were KFC with a gain of 90 sen;Tanjong moving up 40 sen;IOIProp propping up 30 sen and Magnum gliding upwards by 20 sen. Losers were BiPort down 30 sen;Gamuda slipping 24 sen, Asiatic gravitating down 20 sen. SAAG lost 20 sen as well.

The portfolio was in complete dullsville. Resorts managed to gain 4 sen to RM3.72 while KHSB added a sen to RM1.06. At their overnight levels were Metronic at 18 sen, Genting at RM7.95 and BJ Sports Toto at RM4.86.Doing the tumble was Welli the aquabloke, dropping a sen to 82.5 sen. Elsewhere, RCE improved a sen to 92.5 sen.

We all knew Dow did good yesterday night.

I will relate the effects on Bursar in the next post.
